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If you have an automobile collision, restoring your vehicle to pre-accident condition is not an easy task. Proper collision repair requires precise measurements and high levels of skill. While computers can't actually replace the expertise of a well-trained auto body repair technician, computer technology certainly makes our jobs easier and enables us to be more precise than ever in repairing and restoring your vehicle. Here are just a few ways that technological advances have changed our industry for the better.
Frame straightening is a key component in collision repair, not just for appearance, but also for safety. The frame of your car is designed with "crumple zones" to help protect you in a collision, and if the frame is not restored properly, your vehicle won't be as safe if another collision occurs. Computers now enable the collision repair technician to precisely measure and align the frame, so the safety factor is restored, not just your car's appearance.
Proper wheel alignment is another important part of restoring the car to pre-accident condition. Without it, at best, your tires will wear unevenly, and at worst, you'll feel the car "pull" left or right, affecting the safety of the vehicle. Computers also help us restore precise alignment to the wheels so the car rides as smoothly as it did before the collision.
Restoring the paint job of a damaged vehicle has always been a challenge, because perfectly matching the exact tint, shade, flake and texture of the paint was practically impossible. Computerized color matching has changed all that. Now, computers not only help your repair technician identify the exact color of paint for your car, but computers even help mix the paint to the right shade and texture. The match is so precise that most people can't tell where the damage occurred.
Computer technology is very helpful in our industry, but the technology doesn't run itself, nor do computers replace the expertise of human technicians. In order for this technology to work, auto body technicians need ongoing training to keep up with the latest trends, techniques and technologies. This is why it is more important than ever that you only choose an auto body repair shop whose technicians are I-CAR certified, so you can be assured that the person working on your vehicle will get the job done right.
For state-of-the-art collision repair in Metro Atlanta, you can trust the experts at Georgia Luxury Automotive. They have been providing stellar customer service and repairs for more than 20 years, and as an I-CAR Gold Class facility, they utilize the latest technology to restore your car to pre-accident condition.